OGC API Features EU Register van industriƫle sites
Dit document bevat alle collecties die beschikbaar zijn in de service.
- Titel: Production Facility
- Beschrijving: One or more installations on the same site operated by the same natural or legal person, where one or more of the activities listed in Annex I of the E-PRTR regulations are carried out.
- Data CRS: http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/31370
- Geografische begrenzing:
- 2.525, 50.674, 5.936, 51.505.
- Metadata: text/html text/xml
- Schema als HTML.
- Titel: Production Installation
- Beschrijving: A stationary technical unit, where one or more of the activities listed in Annex I of the IED are carried out, and any other directly associated activities on the same site which have a technical connection with the activities listed in those annexes and which could have an effect on emissions and pollution
- Data CRS: http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/31370
- Geografische begrenzing:
- 2.525, 50.674, 5.936, 51.505.
- Metadata: text/html text/xml
- Schema als HTML.
- Titel: Production Installation Part
- Beschrijving: A specific technical part of the installation that aligns with the respective definitions of a combustion plant, waste incineration plant or waste co-incineration plant, as described in Chapters III and IV of the IED.
- Data CRS: http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/31370
- Geografische begrenzing:
- 2.525, 50.674, 5.936, 51.505.
- Metadata: text/html text/xml
- Schema als HTML.